10 Best Podcast Episodes for Teams?

Daimen Hardie
4 min readSep 3, 2021

💎 These are some gems.

Pemba Island — Zanzibar

Dear team, I made this list of podcast episodes for reflection ahead of our next meeting.

Then I decided to share them here on

so anyone on the internet can enjoy (hi there, you).

1. How to Become Batman — Invisibilia

Daniel Horowitz for NPR

This is a storytelling podcast with some pyschology woven in. You can read a quick summary from


Don’t let your expectations be the thing that holds people back. Do the opposite. I think our team is pretty good at this. (58 min)

2. Disorg Chart — Startup

Gimlet Media

Despite all of our successes, there are still ways in which we don’t have our shit together. And maybe that will inspire us to build more structure . . . but not too much.

-Lisa Chow

Startup life forever. This is a candid conversation piece about the tension between freedom and structure in an organization.

We’re always trying to strike that balance. And consistently erring well over on the side of freedom if I’m being honest. For better or worse, I think for better. (30 min)

3. How Our Rituals Can Forge Our Culture — Eat Sleep Work Repeat

Just in terms of the COVID context, one of the ways in which communities get built is really about intensity over time.

-Casper ter Kuile

This is a discerning conversation about building organizational culture.

And it digs into really interesting concepts; like how the organization itself doesn’t need to be the community — but can be a conduit for community, and that’s such an important distinction. (48 min)

4. Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace — HBR IdeaCast

The more the work is uncertain or complex, the more your voice is essential to our success. -Amy Edmondson, PhD

Teams and workplaces with more trust are just better.

Dr. Edmondson originated much of the research that substantiates this, and shares insights on how to build trust and make sure independent thought is always welcome on a team.

This interview is a great intro to the wider concept of psychological safety and the value of being candid — and is a primer for the next episode below which takes things to the extreme. (27 min)

5. How to Love Criticism — WorkLife with

My biggest piece of advice is eliminate the phrase “Don’t take it personally” from your vocabulary.

-Kim Scott

The simple lesson here is that we need to share criticism openly to help each other learn things about ourselves we might not otherwise learn. But it’s always personal, so go with care.

I like this case study, I just don’t think we’ll ever start assigning each other grades because you’re all A+ in my books. (34 min)

6. Dr. Sarah Lewis on The Rise, the Creative Process and the Difference Between Mastery and Success — Brené Brown

Brené Brown

Repeat success can become dysfunctional persistence.

-Dr. Sarah Lewis

The real dark side of grit (and success) is probably not what you’d expect it to be.

These two professor-writer-philosophers give a master class on mastery, and have so much affinity it makes for a warm conversation on otherwise daunting lifeworks. (53 min)

7. Seth Godin: Failing on Your Way to Mastery — The Knowledge Project

“Find out who you are, and do it on purpose.”

-Dolly Parton

“Do it on purpose, and you’ll find out who you are.”


A longer, musing conversation packed with aphoristic gems to keep coming back to.

It’s a reflection on the practice of work and being clear about who you are building things for. I think a lot about that these days. (1 hr 24 min) 🌲

Thanks for reading! Do you know any other great podcast episodes for teams that I can add to this list?

